Sunday, March 23, 2008

Writers Need To Use an Ergonomic Keyboard

There is only one piece of equipment that every work at home professional cannot do without. That is an ergonomic keyboard. There are many different varieties of ergonomic keyboards. Each has their advantages and disadvantages. But, there are some things you need to consider.

The one thing you want is a split keyboard. The one I use lets me place my hands at a turned position. My shoulders are not forced forward. My wrists are not forced to turn. The palms sit on the support between the back and forward button.

Over the years I've had people ask how I get so much work done, without breaking down, without getting tired. I now have an answer - my keyboard. I proved this just last week. My keyboard broke and although Microsoft has it guaranteed, it will be three weeks before it comes in. I had no choice but to use the cheap flat keyboard that came with my computer.

Within hours I felt tired, there was a pain between my shoulders, and my wrists were 'tight.' After a few hours I grew accustomed to this and kept working, but I was aware of the problem. I also noticed that my typing speed slowed dramatically. I can drop the keyboard into my lap, sit with my feet on a footrest, and with the aid of a proper office chair, I can work about two hours at a shot.

When I used the flat keyboard the pain forced me to take a break or slow down every 20 - 30 minutes to relieve the tension. I needed to get up more often. I am not touting this as a perfect tool for working more. I am stating that my keyboard kept me at a comfortable position - just as comfortable as sitting on the couch watching television.

The difference was so dramatic that I sent my husband 2.5 hours away to buy me another keyboard after only a day - I have a great hubby.

This keyboard (Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000) is Vista safe, with a plug-in from the MS website. I have already made back the $70 the keyboard cost me.

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RSI Can End Your Writing Career

In medical terms, repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) caused by prolonged repetitive, awkward hand movements that damage muscles, tendons, and nerves of the neck, shoulder, forearm, and hand, causing pain, weakness, numbness, or impairment of movement. It can be caused by working long periods at a computer, either in a chair with poor support, no foot rest, and using a square or small keyboard.

Typing and clicking a mouse button can be harmful. Injured muscles contract, decreasing the range of motion. As the typist continues to work, the level of stress increases. At first they suffer wrist pain and head aches, but after a while the pain increases.

Professionals that understand the disease know that slowing down for a month or two out of the year, taking breaks, and listening to their body will keep them working. Those who don't listen or make excuses (I can't afford a secretary's chair or ergonomic/split keyboard) end up with a debilitating chronic disorder that can take several hundreds of dollars and more than six months to correct. In effect - they are out of business.

What Happens with RSI?

The sheaths that cover tendons run out of lubrication because they aren't allowed to rest. The tendon and sheath chafe, causing pain. The tendons become inflamed, and pinch nerves. This causes numbness, tingling, or hypersensitivity to touch.

Poor posture can lead to severe neck and back injuries. Repetitive reaching for a mouse can lead to arm and neck strain as well as spinal strain.

RSI is not a medical diagnosis, but a family of disorders, mistakenly called carpal tunnel syndrome. One recent study even reported that frequent computer users are no more likely to develop CTS than non-computer users.

  • poor posture

  • poor technique

  • Do not use a keyboard designed for computer users

  • Use a computer more than two hours a day

  • Your job that requires constant computer use,

  • Don't take breaks

  • Use a manager chair, or don't use a secretary's chair

  • Don't exercise

  • Have stressful deadlines, work 7 days a week

  • Work in a high-pressure environment

  • Have arthritis, diabetes, or another serious medical condition

  • Have long fingernails

  • Have an unhealthy, or sedentary lifestyle

  • Are overweight

  • Don't believe you are at risk

You are at risk of you experience:

  • Fatigue

  • Weakness in the hands or forearms

  • Tingling, numbness, or loss of sensation

  • Heaviness Clumsiness in your hands

  • You drop things or lack coordination

  • Cold hands?

  • Frequent self-massage

  • Avoid using one hand

  • Use your forearm, feet, or shoulder to open doors?

  • Not play sports you once enjoyed?

  • Have trouble sleeping
  • When typing you notice that you are holding one wrist 'up' off the wrist support, or find yourself reaching for keys that you'd normally touch without moving your wrist.

The first sign is often irritability with family members, being short tempered, or having an emotional outburst while working, but without any apparent cause.

When I find myself strained, I wear a fingerless brace like the one above. It supports my wrist and forces me to move in a different patter, it slows my typing speed down, and gives me a chance to retrain my hands to move properly. That said, I haven't worn my wrist braces since buying an ergonomic keyboard.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Web Hosting For Wordpress

This helps people find the best web hosting sites for people who have wordpress running their blog, or have turned wordpress into a complete website.

They have the best themes I've ever seen. I run seven wordpress blogs and wordpress websites. It is an excellent platform, easier to use than drupal and almost never corrupts. If it does, then I did something wrong. prefers Hostmoster, but I think that Host gator is the best web hosting site on the net.

I even found a few blogger templates to use.

This writer's resource gets 5 stars. I am going to try template #5. I didn't find any 4 column templates. All my sites are set up to take 4 column templates. However, if you use two column wordpress templates and want something different than everyone else, there are some templates here that I'd give a solid 7/10.

But, what gets the full marks is the tutorials that cover more than just 'how to do the basics' and includes full coding in one piece. So many tutorials don't work becuase they ask the user to fill in spaces. These tutorials give all the instructions and don't make assumptions on the user's skills and abilities.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Writing Conference

Or cross-genres of romance, YA or erotic thereof... The Dream Realm Awards are now open for e-books over 40K released in 2007. Entry is $20. You enter with the first 3 chapters or 12K of the RTF file (whichever is shorter) art.

If you make the finals, they need the full book. It cannot be a reprint. You can only enter the book in one category (READ the descriptions...though FAIRY DREAMS is sensual romance, it must enter as erotica...their rules), and you cannot enter more than one book per category, though you can enter different books in different categories. There is also a cover art portion, but cover artists have to enter it, AFAIK.

Brenna-- Dreams is the best bar none fantasy romance that I have ever read! The action is non-stop; the deep abiding love so well portrayed that you feel as though you are experiencing it yourself. Regina for Coffee Time Romance

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Epic Fantasy - Can You Define the Genre?

Most authors have no idea what defines their genre. They are oblivious to the things that make their genre unique, what attracts people to their genre. When their books remain unpublished, they claim that publishing is elitist and politically based.

Take some time to learn the truth about your genre, and you'll win a publishing contract.

Epic Fantasy - Its Really About the Meaning of Life

Since the beginning of time mankind has made up epic fantasy stories in the form of myths to reflect his role in the universe. The oldest piece of written work is the Epic of Gilgamesh. It was inscribed on stone tablets a thousand years before the Iliad was written and it is in the genre of epic fantasy. Since this piece was written many more have followed.

We are all familiar with the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, or the story of King Arthur and the Holy Grail. We are also all familiar with the quest of Bilbo Baggins. Why have these stories and others like them survived for so long? Why are they so fully engraved in our psyche as a race? Is it because they are fun stories? It is true that they are good stories and grand adventures but they also convey a deeper meaning about what it is to be human. And this search for a deeper meaning has been with humans since the beginning of time.

The ancient Greeks created myths that revolved around heroes facing the wrath of a variety of gods. This helped them to understand their place in the world and it applied meaning to their lives relative to the world they lived in. In medieval times humanity changed. The Renaissance brought with it a new understanding of the world we live in. And that new understanding brought new questions. No longer were we subject to the whims of a variety of gods. We, as people, gained a new control of our own lives and we came to the realization that it wasnt gods that controlled us but it was us who controlled ourselves. This made us look inward. It caused us to seek out the things within ourselves that made us like the old gods. This new outlook was reflected in the epic fantasy myths of the times. Heroes looked inside themselves. They took great strides in making themselves better people. They believed that there was a right way to be and this belief is epitomized by the code of the knight.

There are no dragons to slay, there are no more knights, and there are no princesses to rescue. How do these stories of heroic quests apply to you today?

Each character in these stories is given a task of a seemingly impossible nature. And each character has to find his way through a world wrought with dangers, difficulties and obstacles. The parallel here is obvious and we all travel a similar road to that of Gilgamesh and Jason but this isnt the real reason why epic fantasy is so relevant to our lives. This kind of conflict and searching is found in just about every piece of fiction and in every medium. The secret to why epic fantasy rises above all the others is hidden within each story itself.

Joseph Campbell, in his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces, outlined the twelve steps that each hero must take on his personal journey to realizing his quest. One critical early step that must be made is the meeting with the mentor. The mentor himself has traveled his own personal journey, learned many lessons along the way and he imparts this wisdom on our hero. Our hero learns some valuable lessons from someone who has been there and done that. This is exactly what epic fantasy does for you. It works as a mentor.

In a beautiful sense of folding in on itself the hero of an epic fantasy story becomes a mentor to you. You travel along with the hero and you learn the lessons that he learns. You learn the value of trust or the danger of greed. And most importantly you learn the value of persisting in your personal quest and following your heart because in the end you see the reward.

Read the stories of the epic fantasy hero and listen to the lessons that he can teach you. Maybe there are no more Dragons and no more damsels in distress but you are in the middle of an epic quest called your life and you must follow this quest to the end. This quest is the search to find the meaning in your life and epic fantasy is the mentor that will help you find it.

Will Kalif is the author of two epic fantasy novels. You can visit his website and learn about creativity, video game design, writing or classical guitar: Or visit his epic fantasy website:

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Character Communication

Writers need to learn the art of communication. It is vital to the success of their books. It is also vital to character development. Good communication is one way to earn respect for a hero. Poor communication is a great way to make a character look weak.

In fact, a character can improve their communication style as they progress through their book, improving the 'reader's' impression of the character and strengthening the character growth arc...all without giving the character one of the over worn and outdated problems (ie, surviving abuse, afraid of commitments, etc.)

The Six Rules of Effective Communication

Effective communication is vital if you wish people to understand your viewpoint. It becomes even more crucial in professional settings, as fierce competition means that customers must be convinced that your products are superior to your rival's. Unless you effectively communicate the features and advantages of your product, your customers are likely to walk out the door. Communication is equally important in your interactions with suppliers, coworkers, managers, and investors.

The following six rules will help you communicate more effectively, reduce conflict in your organization, and become a better leader.

Rule #1: Organize your thoughts.

Jumbled thoughts lead to incoherent speech. Organizing your thoughts systematically is the first step to effective communication. You should be clear about the message that you want to convey, and it is helpful to have a framework for the conversation. Communication is a dynamic process, so you need to organize and re-organize your thoughts accordingly as the conversation progresses. This presence of mind is essential.

Rule #2: Plan the conversation ahead of time.

When you think through a subject, try to envision what sort of reaction you will evoke. Plan out the different directions that the conversation may go, and prepare your ground accordingly. It helps to consider the personality and behavior of the person with whom you are dealing. How does s/he prefer to work, what is his/her behavioral style? Answering these questions allows you to tailor your approach accordingly.

Rule #3: Be aware of your nonverbal signals.

Did you know much of our communication happens through nonverbal signals? The message you convey through your gestures, body language, and facial expressions will play a huge role in the response you elicit. For this reason, your verbal and nonverbal message need to be consistent; otherwise, you will send mixed signals and not achieve the outcome you desire.

Rule #4: Be succinct.

As they say, less is more. This holds true for communication as well. Your goal in communication is to convey a message and create a certain response. Emphasize your key points simply, and respond to questions directly. Repeating yourself and reiterating your points will only detract from your message.

Rule #5: Demonstrate how the other person will benefit.

When you show how the other person will directly benefit from your offer, you are very close to convincing him/her. To do this, you must highlight the rewards of your offer, and explain how they will improve his or her life. For example, instead of explaining that a new product is more efficient, you might emphasize how much time or money the customer will save. This is the fifth great rule for becoming a good communicator.

Rule #6: Be a good listener.

The importance of listening to the other party and understanding his/her viewpoint is often overlooked. Effective communication is two-way process; if you adopt a one-way attitude, you will fail to create a rapport with your counterpart. By making the other person feel that you value their participation in the conversation, and that you are addressing his/her needs, you make him/her much more willing to accommodate your position. In practice, this means that you must listen patiently and converse accordingly.

Barbara Stennes CSP is president and owner of Resources Unlimited a consulting firm based in Des Moines Iowa. She is widely recognized as an expert on team building customer service creativity and innovation. To learn how Barbara can help your organization please visit

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March is Small Press Month – Author Signed vs. Inscribed

There is nothing more alluring to a book lover than an author signed book. They rarely care if the book is paperback, hard cover, or a CD audio book.

There are special bookstores around the net designed to sell author signed books:

Authors can even sell copies of their book ‘author signed’ on – just make sure that you include in the book title ‘author signed.’ Then explain in your blurb that you will sign a ‘personal copy’ for the buyer. You would not want to sell ‘inscribed’ copies here.

Many authors overlook the option of selling ‘inscribed books.’ These books are often given to people of importance in your life. A writer may offer to host a library seminar and ‘inscribe’ books to ‘the library patrons who supported my career.’

There is a hierarchy to book signatures:

  1. Top is the dedication copy. There is usually only one of these.
  2. Next, is association copies. These books are signed for friends and relatives of the author, people of note in the author’s life.
  3. Further down is the presentation copies. These are signed to people who are not friends, mentors, family of the author. They still include a message.
  4. Bottom of the list is a signed copy. Interestingly enough, if a book is signed it is considered sold, even if it is not.

One way to attract people to your events is to offer to ‘inscribe’ all copies sold at the event. Authors are often shocked to see how far a book lover will travel for the bragging rights to having a presentation copy in their library.

This is one way that writers can support their fan base. They can offer to ‘inscribe an association copy’ of their book to any ‘friend’ from their fan group who attends their seminars, or who orders the book direct from the author.

Book Value

The important thing to remember is that your book’s value depends on the signature value. If an author promises to sign an association copy for everyone – then the value is worthless.
There is a general rule ‘the more words, the better.’ This has always held true. When a book lover buys a book, they are buying a copy of the book. When they buy an inscribed book, they are buying a story, a memory, of a time they met the author.

Selling Books

Never underestimate the power of an inscribed book. Many authors have a book signing and feel they must sell their books at a discount. This is not true if they spend the day talking to people, making friends, and inscribing books.

Even an inscription such as “I loved talking to you at the ________ event. It was a great afternoon, and I hope we meet again.”

A clever quote is also valuable, as it gives the owner of the book a glimpse into the author’s life and personality.

First Edition

It is important to protect the integrity of your first editions. These are the ones you want to sign. That is why it is also important to put a date on the book, even if it is a scrawled 01/08.

Art Value

Each author signed book has an ‘art value.’ The selection of a pen should be vital. The author should also practice their signature. A poor signature with a blue Bic pen may actually devalue the book. A felt tip pen, and a ‘fine’ scroll font, will create a page worth showing to friends and jealous collectors.


Many people may think that author signed has little value today. However, most authors refuse to offer the public signed copies of their books. They may give away a few associate books, signed not inscribed, but the number of author signed books are actually diminishing in the market, retaining their value – especially if you become famous one day.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Online Gaming

My son is at his friends playing with his grandfather. They are playing at an online casino site. They don't play at every site. We check out sites like www.onlinecasinolinks and compare the different casino sites.

I don't let steve play on any web based casino site. I want to make sure they are not phishing sites. Some of them offer free cash. Some of the sites have a limit. This is vital when kids gamble - because they always lose - sooner or later.

Don't gamble online recklessly. Make sure that you protect your identity and your financial information. Never give bank info. Never give your main credit card. We use pre paid ones for my son's gaming.

Sell Books By Becoming Famous

We are doing a few major workshops for Small Press Month. We are hosting one of our biggest workshops this week.

Place: (click the chat-room button at the top of the page.
Time: 7 - 9 eastern (come when you can)
Membership: none needed - just enter your screen name and enter

Katie Adams

Katie Adams is a highly successful grant writer. In fact, she obtained over $12 million in grants for her clients in only 3 months! She can help you learn how to get free publicity, money to promote your writing, and much more! If you want to become famous overnight, then be at the Inspired Authors chat on Friday night.

Katie has offered to host a 2 hour workshop to help authors promote themselves and their work, build winning PR campaigns, and launch their careers. Have your questions ready! She is also looking for cream of the crop writers for her new business venture. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime chance.

Authors must be well known even before releasing their first book. This takes a “presence” that is only accomplished by proactive marketing. If you miss this one, you will regret it.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Small Press Month: Authors Need a Fan Base

Attracting visitors to a website can be difficult. It goes far beyond putting your name out and giving people an invitation to visit your main website. They will not visit to join a newsletter or read your website.

There are several ways to get people to visit a website:

1. Share your space with Visitors. Let them tell stories, write a scene for your characters, join in a 'continued story' by adding a scene. Then, publish their work on your website.

This works, but only if you talk with the visitors. The web owner needs to chat with their members. This is not the business where 'if you make it, they will come.'

2. Offer Something Free. I have heard dozens of writers rail against the idea of writing for free. But, most of them never had a good fan base. I also know two authors who write 'extra' chapters for their books, extra stories about their characters, and other free stories. They offer these as 'read by author' for audio feeds and download, and in PDF form.

Most of these stories can be short, 5 pages long will equal a 5 minute feed. Then, ask the audience for feedback, to offer suggestions.

3. Help Me Write. This is another tool that will attract die hard book lovers. They love to offer advice and suggestions about the characters and settings. Many of them have situations that might flesh out the book. Even if their ideas are not used, story lovers enjoy sharing their thoughts and being part of the writing experience.

4. Let visitors post reviews, comment in a guest book, or participate in a forum.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Grandfather Story - Share Yours

The inspiration for The Pledge came from stories my grandfather told me. His stories went far beyond life lessons and relating family history. They inspired me. They made me the person I am today. I have read a lot of stories, but for some reason, the stories that grandfathers tell us are the best.

Tell me your story. I will publish some of them into my newsletter. Others will be published into my blog. I’ll share your grandfather’s story with other people. Let me know what made the story so special. Share your pictures. Pictures of where your family came from. Pictures of you with your grandfather. But - no pictures that include people who have not given their permission - or children.

How to Submit: Submit your stories, no longer than 500 words as a comment on this post. I will chose stories to appear in my newsletter and post on some of my sites. Selected stories may include pictures and a link to your website. I will contact you via the contact form on your website. Submit Your Grandfather Story at

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Friday, March 07, 2008

Free Author Promotion Workshop: Three Famous Speakers

We had a great chat on promotion last night. There were a lot of things covered, and we had the author of one of the top SELLING BOOKS book on Amazon (3 days on Amazon and in the top 50 000). Nikki gave us some excellent tips and advice.

We also explained the difference between promotion by spamming your name, and promotion by Branding.

After 2 hours, there were still questions, so I decided to devote tonight's chat on 'becoming famous' without spending money.

I have invited a PR person, Katherine Adams who works with businesses and CEOs. She is writing a book on landing six figure jobs. If she comes, she can tell us more about 'branding' yourself. She won her clients 12million last year - so she is no 'small fish' when it comes to PR.

Mirella Patzer will tell how she became a popular speaker and was invited to speak (paid) in Italy, the setting of her book - all within less than 2 months.

Nikki Leigh will be there. Her current book on promotion has only been on amazon for 3 days and is in the top 50 000 (out of 3 million) selling books.

We also have Lori Chance, a book coach, and a few other tentative speakers.

I am also saving transcripts. So if you were one of the people who felt you just didn't know that you 'could' become famous without a lot of hassle - and you wanted to know more - come to the IA chat tonight. - Click Chat. You do not need to become a member.

Chat is Every Friday 7PM Eastern

Tonight's event will have the chat room at open from 6 - 9+ You do not need to become a member, or enter any personal information. Just type in a screen name and you are in the chat.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

Small Press Month - Seminar

March is Small Press Month. It is a great chance to use this ‘official month’ to promote your small press, your books, and your friends. Most of these events are great promotion for authors. They will help raise the exposure for small publishers among bookstores and libraries, as well as build author’s careers.

The Publishers Marketing Association has a list of great promotion events. There are a few things on the list that every author should be doing all year around.
Over this month I will expand on them and help writers learn how to use them to promote their work.

#3 Hold a How To Get Published Seminar

It may be late to get into the larger libraries, but small bookstores, small libraries, churches, and community groups are always eager to have an author give a how to get published seminar.

The trick is to create a fun seminar that encourages new writers. Tell them how small publishers support and train authors. Tell funny stories, interesting facts, and things you learned along the way.

This seminar should be more than a step-by-step guide to winning a publishing contract. Instead, it should be an interesting glimpse into your journey as an author.

There are two ways to hold an event like this. The first involves charging $10 - $20 for attendance. When doing this, you want to print out a ‘pack’ for the authors to take. It should include a sample synopsis outline, query, formatting guide, a list of ‘common mistakes,’ and a few pointers on how to talk to publishers. You may even want to include a list of places where writers can learn how to write good books, and a short list of publishers.

A free seminar will draw more people. You may use these events to sell tickets to a paid seminar, or sell signed copies of your book. A free seminar may be held in conjunction with other authors in your area.

Don’t forget to call the press and tell them about your event, when it is over ask for a ‘tear sheet’ of the article, as well as a link to the article, for your collection. Never host an event without calling the press. They may not always attend, but even if they do not print the article, a picture of you talking to the press is great ‘PR’ for your website and blogs.

Return to this blog daily, or subscribe to our RSS feed, for more tips and advice on promoting an author's event. All our suggestions will be easy to plan, and possibly 'free' to host.

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